Friday, October 10, 2014

General Conference is the Greatest

First of all. Have so much fun in Utah!!! I am a little bit jealous, but I will get over it I guess ;) Tell Paul and Mignion (this is really embarrassing...someone help me with the spelling) CONGRATS from their favorite missionary ever! :) I am so so so happy for them! :) Tell all the family hi and that I love them! 

Second of all. Send me some fish :) Dad that was awesome to hear about your fishing trip! Tell Scott...well wish him better luck next time for me ;) haha that sounds like it was way fun (mostly for dad since he actually caught fish) 

Third of all. GENERAL CONFERENCE IS THE GREATEST THING EVER AS A MISSIONARY. Seriously, it was amazing. i don't have ANY of my notes or anything with me, so i can't even tell you who gave my favorite talks, but I can tell you that listening to it was SO powerful. Saturday I was in a room filled with missionaries, and it was so amazing to be with so many people who are all so united in purpose. For me, that was what made conference so incredible. As a missionary, I have ONE purpose and that is to help others come unto Christ, so EVERY message in conference was directed towards my purpose. I was thinking about it, and missionaries are kind of an extension of the role of Apostles... to be special witnesses of Jesus Christ. (this is just how I thought of it at least) I think John 15:16 is the scripture I am thinking of, that says something about being called, set apart and ordained... I don't know where I was going with that, but I will get back on track haha 
Apostles and the Prophet teach us the will of God, and speak according to the Spirit the things that we need to hear in order to better live the gospel of Jesus Christ. And that is what I am here to do for other people. They are special witnesses of Jesus Christ, and I am a FULL-TIME REPRESENTATIVE OF HIM. I am bearing testimony every day of the Plan that God has for His children, and the divinity and reality of His Only Begotten Son who makes it all possible. Every single talk in conference relates in some way to what I am teaching every day. I dont know if any of this is making sense, but basically I just felt a super-increase of my purpose here!!! 

Two talks that i do remember standing out to me... President Uchtdorf's and Elder Bednar's! ELDER BEDNARS!!!!!! Such a specific talk directed to NON MEMBERS ABOUT WHY WE DO MISSIONARY WORK!! Share that with everyone!!! I loved it! I wanted to go grab all my investigators by the ear and drag them to the church to listen to that talk.....haha. I also LOVED President Uchtdorf's talking about how we all have a light inside us that needs to be nourished (or something along those lines...) I also want to print that talk out and give it to everyone I know. I was super bummed- the connection cut out RIGHT when President Monson stood up to speak, and came back exactly as he was concluding. But I'm sure it was an incredible talk!

Wait there is one more! I don't remember who gave it, or exactly what it is about, but I do remember it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. It was the one about listening to the right voices, about the steps to dissipate negative thoughts or something like that! SATAN WANTS US TO BE MISERABLE. And when we believe his lies, we are miserable! I know that to be true because since I have been here in Houston, I have let some of his lies get to my head. I know they aren't thoughs from God because they are not edifying or uplifting. I know that they don't bring peace to my mind and heart like the Spirit does, so they are for a fact not from my loving Heavenly Father. One thing I am learning firsthand is that we need to acknowledge our weaknesses so that we can have a desire to change, but when we let our weaknesses determine how we feel about ourselves, we are giving in to what Satan wants for us. He wants us to be miserable like he is. I don't remember the steps that were given in conference are, but I know that the talk he gave was what I needed to hear. I have gotten VERY caught up in my weaknesses, and I know that our mind is SO powerful, and our thoughts determine our actions. Who do we let control our thoughts?! That is something that I need to be working on in my life right now! 

I love the prophet so much, and I am SO grateful for the opportunities we have to listen to him every 6 months and receive the will of the Lord for us. He is the Lord's servant here on earth to direct the church today, which is such a blessing as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!! I can't wait to make changes in my life so that I can be more in tune with what the Lord wants for me. I love this church SOOOOO beyond words much, and I am more than grateful to be a missionary at this time, performing the WORK OF SALVATION here in Houston Texas! I am so so blessed. 

I love you all familia! Hope that you all found at LEAST one or two things in conference that you can adjust in your lives as well to become more in line with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that as you follow the words of the Prophet and his Apostles, you can find peace of mind and JOY! They are here to bless US as we listen and follow their counsel :) 

Love you all! Have a great week! 
Sincerely, Hermana Rogers

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